How do window companies earn money in winter?

The windows business is a seasonal business, the greatest demand for the goods and the greatest revenue are in the warm season, approximately from May to November. So, most windows companies may ask themselves “How can they earn out of season?”

General earnings during out-of-season

Many companies use the general way of earnings at any season; it is the sale of additional products and accessories. For example, automobile salons cut down the price of a car because of the high competition, but they make good revenue on car accessories’ sales: foot pads, pockets, alarm systems, etc. Or think of companies that produce printers: they sell once a printer, but they do regular earnings on sales of cartridges. This way can be successfully used by companies that are engaged in seasonal business. Just think of what additional accessories will be interesting to your customers all year round.

As for windows companies, roller shades, window locks, window filters can be the additional accessories. They can be sold regularly at any season. For example, window filters will help your customers get rid of condensate and stuffiness in the room during winter. In summer you may sell windows and in winter you may offer your clients buying window filters as they most likely will face the problems that PVC and any airtight windows cause. OKFIL Window Filters can be installed both on the new and already fixed windows and the window warranty will be retained (based on the letter No. 174 dated 08/17/2017 of the Research and Production Center of the Interregional Window Institute).

Start it right now

It is time now to think about how you will earn in winter. We will teach you to sell window filters in warm season with new windows and in winter for already fixed windows to existing customers. We will provide you with customer base calling scripts or do it for free through our contact center on your behalf using a unique technology. We will generate new orders for windows and window filters and collect feedback from your customers about your employees’ performance and your product’s satisfaction. To get more information, you may contact us at any convenient time.